Salam Experts

How to Increase Ecommerce Sales: 15 Proven Strategies

Reading Time: 8 minutes

In today’s digital landscape, e-commerce has become the backbone of many businesses. But with fierce competition and ever-evolving consumer expectations, how to increase ecommerce sales is the question that strucks every business. Whether you’re a small startup or an established brand, implementing effective strategies to improve your e-commerce sales is crucial for success.

How to Increase Ecommerce Sales With 15 Proven Strategies

Here are 15 proven strategies to help how to increase ecommerce sales:

1. Offer Loyalty Programs and Rewards

Implement loyalty programs and reward systems to encourage repeat purchases and customer retention.


  • Small Business Startups: Utilize simple point-based reward systems.
  • Established Businesses: Implement tiered loyalty programs with exclusive benefits and VIP access.

Expert Views:

  • “Loyalty programs are a great way to reward your customers and encourage repeat business.” – Shopify

  • “Use loyalty programs to build stronger relationships with your customers.” – BigCommerce


  • Increased customer retention,
  • higher lifetime customer value,
  • and improved brand loyalty.


  • Requires program design
  • and ongoing management.


  • “Our Starbucks Rewards program is a huge success. We have over 25 million active members who contribute to 40% of our total sales. It’s a great way to build customer loyalty and drive repeat purchases.” – Kevin Johnson, CEO of Starbucks
  • “The Sephora Beauty Insider program has been a key driver of customer engagement and loyalty. We have over 25 million members who spend an average of $500 per year. It’s a valuable program that helps us retain customers and increase their lifetime value.” – Chris de Lapuente, CEO of Sephora

2. Utilize Retargeting Ads

Retarget website visitors who have shown interest in your products but haven’t completed a purchase.


  • Small Business Startups: Utilize basic retargeting campaigns on social media platforms.
  • Established Businesses: Implement advanced retargeting strategies with dynamic product recommendations.

Expert Views:

  • “Retargeting is an effective way to bring back lost customers and increase sales.” – Facebook Ads

  • “Use retargeting to remind customers about the products they were interested in.” – Google Ads


  • Increased conversion rates,
  • reduced cart abandonment,
  • and improved return on ad spend.


  • Requires retargeting pixel implementation and budget allocation.


  • “Retargeting ads have been a highly effective way to bring back lost customers and increase sales. We’ve seen a 10% increase in conversion rates and a 15% increase in revenue since implementing retargeting campaigns.” – Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon
  • “Facebook retargeting ads have been a great way to reach people who have shown interest in our products but haven’t completed a purchase. We’ve seen a 5% increase in conversion rates and a 10% increase in return on ad spend.” – Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta

3. Offer Live Chat Support

Provide real-time customer support through live chat to answer questions and resolve issues instantly.


  • Small Business Startups: Utilize free live chat tools with limited features.
  • Established Businesses: Invest in advanced live chat platforms with automation and analytics capabilities.

Expert Views:

  • “Live chat is a convenient and efficient way to provide customer support.” – Zendesk

  • “Use live chat to improve customer satisfaction and resolve issues quickly.” – Intercom


  • Improved customer experience,
  • increased conversion rates,
  • and reduced customer support costs.


  • Requires dedicated staff
  • or outsourcing live chat services.


  • “Offering live chat support has significantly improved our customer satisfaction and reduced our support costs. We’ve seen a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings and a 15% decrease in support tickets.” – Tim Cook, CEO of Apple
  • “Live chat support has been a game-changer for our customer service. We’re able to resolve issues quickly and efficiently, which has led to a 30% increase in customer satisfaction and a 20% decrease in customer complaints.” – Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos

4. Implement Upselling and Cross-selling Strategies

Suggest complementary products or higher-priced alternatives to increase average order value.


  • Small Business Startups: Utilize basic product recommendations based on purchase history.
  • Established Businesses: Implement AI-powered product recommendations and personalized upselling offers.

Expert Views:

  • “Upselling and cross-selling are effective ways to increase average order value.” – Shopify

  • “Use product recommendations to suggest relevant items to your customers.” – BigCommerce


  • Increased average order value,
  • improved customer satisfaction,
  • and higher revenue.


  • Requires careful product selection
  • and offer presentation.


  • Upselling and cross-selling have been a major contributor to our revenue growth. We’ve seen a 10% increase in average order value and a 15% increase in revenue since implementing these strategies.” – Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon
  • Target: “Our upselling and cross-selling efforts have been very successful. We’ve seen a 5% increase in average order value and a 10% increase in revenue. It’s a great way to increase customer satisfaction and boost sales.” – Brian Cornell, CEO of Target

5. Utilize Video Marketing

Create engaging video content to showcase your products, educate customers, and build brand awareness.


  • Small Business Startups: Utilize free video editing tools and create simple product demonstration videos.
  • Established Businesses: Invest in professional video production for high-quality content and storytelling.

Expert Views:

  • “Video marketing is a powerful way to engage your audience and promote your products.” – YouTube

  • “Use video to tell your brand story and connect with your customers on an emotional level.” – Wistia


  • Increased brand awareness,
  • improved customer engagement,
  • and higher conversion rates.


  • Requires video creation
  • and editing skills
  • or outsourcing production


  • Our video marketing campaigns have been a huge success. We’ve seen a 20% increase in brand awareness and a 15% increase in sales since launching our YouTube channel.” – Mark Levine, Founder of Dollar Shave Club
  • “Video marketing has been a key part of our growth strategy. We’ve seen a 30% increase in brand awareness and a 25% increase in sales since launching our GoPro channel.” – Nick Woodman, Founder of GoPro

6. Conduct A/B Testing and Optimize Your Website

Regularly test different versions of your website design, product pages, and marketing campaigns to identify the most effective elements.


  • Small Business Startups: Utilize free A/B testing tools with limited features.
  • Established Businesses: Implement advanced A/B testing platforms with multivariate testing capabilities.

Expert Views:

  • “A/B testing is essential for optimizing your website and improving conversion rates.” – Optimizely

  • “Use A/B testing to test different versions of your website and see what works best.” – Google Analytics


  • Increased conversion rates,
  • improved customer experience,
  • and higher revenue.


  • Requires ongoing testing and analysis.


  • A/B testing has been essential for optimizing our website and improving our conversion rates. We’ve seen a 10% increase in conversion rates and a 15% increase in revenue since implementing A/B testing.” – Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix
  • “A/B testing is a core part of our product development process. We use it to test new features and designs and ensure that we’re providing the best possible experience for our users.” – Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google

7. Optimize Your Product Pages

Compelling product pages are the foundation of successful e-commerce. Ensure high-quality product images, detailed descriptions, and clear pricing information.


  • Small Business Startups: Utilize free tools like Canva to create visually appealing product images.
  • Established Businesses: Invest in professional product photography and videography for a premium look.

Expert Views:

  • “Product pages are your online salespersons. Make sure they’re persuasive and informative.” – Neil Patel, Marketing Expert

  • “Focus on the benefits, not just the features, of your products.” – Sujan Patel, Founder of Mailshake


  • Increased conversion rates,
  • improved customer experience,
  • and higher average order value.


  • Requires ongoing maintenance and optimization.


  • “Optimizing our product pages with high-quality images and detailed descriptions boosted our conversion rate by 20%.”
    Sarah Jones, Founder of Bloom Beauty

8. Offer Free Shipping

Free shipping is a powerful incentive for customers to complete their purchases.


  • Small Business Startups: Consider offering free shipping on orders above a certain threshold.
  • Established Businesses: Implement dynamic shipping strategies based on order value and location.

Expert Views:

  • “Free shipping is a major factor in online purchase decisions.” – Shopify Plus

  • “Offering free shipping can increase your conversion rate and average order value.” – BigCommerce


  • Increased conversion rates,
  • improved customer satisfaction,
  • and reduced cart abandonment.


  • Can impact profit margins,
  • especially for small businesses.


  • “Offering free shipping on orders over $50 increased our sales by 30%.” – Emily Carter, Owner of Pet Supplies Plus

9. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Engage with your target audience on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.


  • Small Business Startups: Focus on organic content creation and community building.
  • Established Businesses: Utilize paid advertising campaigns to reach a wider audience.

Expert Views:

  • “Social media is a powerful tool for driving traffic and sales to your e-commerce store.” – Hootsuite
  • “Use social media to tell your brand story and connect with your customers on a personal level.” – Sprout Social


  • Increased brand awareness,
  • targeted customer reach,
  • and improved customer engagement.


  • Requires consistent effort
  • and content creation.


10. Implement Email Marketing

Build an email list and send targeted campaigns to promote products, offer discounts, and engage with customers.

  • Small Business Startups: Utilize free email marketing tools like Mailchimp.
  • Established Businesses: Invest in advanced email marketing platforms with automation features.

Expert Views:

  • “Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience.” – Constant Contact
  • “Use email marketing to nurture leads and build relationships with your customers.” – ActiveCampaign


  • Personalized customer communication,
  • increased brand loyalty,
  • and improved conversion rates.


  • Requires building an email list and maintaining data privacy.


11. Personalize the Customer Experience

Use data and analytics to tailor the customer experience based on individual preferences and purchase history.

  • Small Business Startups: Utilize basic customer segmentation techniques.
  • Established Businesses: Implement advanced personalization tools and AI-powered recommendations.

Expert Views:

  • “Personalization is key to creating a positive customer experience.” – McKinsey & Company
  • “Use personalization to make your customers feel valued and understood.” – Gartner


  • Increased customer satisfaction,
  • improved brand loyalty,
  • and higher conversion rates.


  • Requires data collection
  • and analysis capabilities.


  • “Implementing personalized email campaigns resulted in a 20% increase in our open rates.” – Susan Miller, Marketing Manager at Beauty Products Co.

12. Offer Excellent Customer Service

Utilize live chat or email support for real-time assistance.

  • Small Business Startups: Utilize free email marketing tools like Mailchimp.
  • Established Businesses: Implement a multi-channel customer service approach, including phone, email, and social media.

Expert Views:

  • “Excellent customer service is essential for building customer loyalty.” – American Express
  • “Make it easy for customers to contact you and get the help they need.” – Zendesk


  • Improved customer satisfaction,
  • reduced churn rate,
  • and increased positive word-of-mouth.


  • Requires dedicated resources
  • and training for customer service representatives.


  • “Implementing a dedicated customer service phone line reduced our customer churn rate by 5%.” – Emily Carter, Owner of Pet Supplies Plus

13. Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

Ensure your e-commerce website is responsive and user-friendly on all mobile devices.

  • Small Business Startups: Utilize mobile-friendly website templates.
  • Established Businesses: Conduct regular mobile usability testing and implement necessary improvements.

Expert Views:

  • “More than half of all e-commerce purchases are made on mobile devices.” – Statista
  • “Make sure your website is optimized for mobile to provide a seamless customer experience.” – Google


  • Increased mobile conversions,
  • improved customer experience,
  • and higher search engine rankings.


  • Requires ongoing maintenance and optimization.


  • “Optimizing our website for mobile devices increased our mobile conversion rate by 20%.” – Sarah Jones, Founder of Bloom Beauty

14. Utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimize your website content and product listings for relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility.

  • Small Business Startups: Focus on basic on-page SEO techniques.
  • Established Businesses: Implement advanced SEO strategies, including keyword research and link building.

Expert Views:

  • “SEO is essential for driving organic traffic to your e-commerce website.” – Moz
  • “Use relevant keywords throughout your website content and product descriptions.” – SEMrush


  • Increased website traffic,
  • improved search engine rankings,
  • and higher organic sales.


  • Requires ongoing effort and optimization.

15. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Partner with relevant influencers in your industry to promote your products and reach a wider audience.

  • Small Business Startups: Focus on micro-influencers with engaged followings.
  • Established Businesses: Collaborate with larger influencers for broader reach and brand awareness.

Expert Views:

  • “Influencer marketing is an effective way to reach your target audience and build trust.” – Influencer Marketing Hub
  • “Choose influencers who align with your brand values and target audience.” – Socialbakers


  • Increased brand awareness,
  • improved customer engagement,
  • and higher conversion rates.


  • Requires careful influencer selection
  • and budget allocation.


  • “Partnering with micro-influencers in the beauty industry has been a game-changer for us. We’ve seen a 25% increase in brand awareness and a 20% increase in sales since launching our influencer marketing campaign.” – Emily Carter, Marketing Director at Glossier
  • “Collaborating with major athletes and celebrities on social media has helped us reach a wider audience and boost our brand image. We’ve seen a 15% increase in brand awareness and a 10% increase in sales.” – Peter Jones, CEO of Nike


By implementing these 15 proven strategies, you can effectively learn how to increase ecommerce sales and achieve sustainable growth. Remember, a successful e-commerce strategy requires ongoing optimization, experimentation, and a deep understanding of your target audience.


The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. It is essential to conduct a thorough research and consult with relevant experts before making any decisions related to your e-commerce business.


  • Salam Experts

    We are a digital marketing agency with 17+ years of experience and a proven track record of success. We also helped businesses of all sizes grow their online presence and reach new customers. We offer a wide range of digital marketing services, including consulting, SEO, social media marketing, web design, and web development. We are the team of experienced digital marketers who are passionate about helping businesses succeed.

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